Okeedokee's Guestbook

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flag as inappropriate Hotsexy69    Sept. 13, 2019

Hi....I'm usually on during the day...I'm in US ....its around 7am now...

 okeedokee    Sept. 15, 2019
VCity Userpic

I am US too. During the week, I am already headed to work at that time.

flag as inappropriate Hotsexy69    Sept. 15, 2019

Oh okay.....I'm on throughout the day....

flag as inappropriate white devil    Aug. 7, 2017

Wow that's a nice looking big cock you have

flag as inappropriate Kity    June 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Hello )) i like you profile dick ))

 okeedokee    June 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank you. Would you like to start correspondence through this website?

flag as inappropriate jeep#4    July 14, 2016
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That's a nice cock! I'd like to see my wife's pussy wrapped around it!

 okeedokee    June 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank you. I just now noticed your message to me. Would you like to start correspondence through this website?

flag as inappropriate Anabelle    June 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

Hey sweetie....i dont use chat at all!! I never have time baby but thanks for asking;-). OOXX

flag as inappropriate Anabelle    May 29, 2014
VCity Userpic

Hey sweetie...just want you to know how much i enjoy your comments;-). Come visit me often baby!!OOXX

 okeedokee    Sept. 14, 2013
VCity Userpic

; You are very welcome. Hope to see more of you soon.

flag as inappropriate Anabelle    Sept. 6, 2013
VCity Userpic

Hello..... Many thanks for being a gentleman when commenting on my first VC contribution! I know the pics were low quality:-( i appreciate your advice! I hope to have a new set up soon. FYI * I am Korean....know you enjoy Asian women . OOXX

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This is VCity's Guestbook of 'Okeedokee'. VCity is the interactive erotic playground for adults, who love to share and look at sexy private photos and videos as well as to communicate which each other. Please feel free to leave your general comments for Okeedokee on this page. If you would like to start a more private conversation, please use VCity's Private Messaging System (VResidents only).

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